stock-photo-49028478-diverse-business-people-s-hands-with-cartography-puzzleFrank Samolis, co-leader of our International Trade Practice chaired and presented at two conferences regarding recent trade developments in TPP and TTIP in early November.

The first of two conferences was in Moscow, where Frank discussed the future of TTIP, in particular for the Russian and Eurasian markets. He commented, “We covered many of the key issues in the TTIP negotiations and their likelihood of success, and also how the Russian and Eurasian strategies are unfolding. It was clear that international businesses are actively identifying new opportunities and seeking appropriate solutions for further development.”

TTIP Presentation – Moscow

Following Moscow, Frank traded (pun intended) in the biting cold for the tropics and traveled to Miami to present on TPP and its effects on Central America and the Caribbean at the 39th Annual Conference on the Caribbean and Central America.

TPP Presentation – Miami

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