The amended EU Blocking Regulation entered into force on August 8. The amendment extended the scope of US sanctions against Iran with which EU citizens or entities must not comply. In addition to the updated EU Blocking Regulation, the European Commission issued: Guidance Note — Questions and Answers: adoption of update of the Blocking Statute Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) … Continue Reading
The European Commission published its draft guidance on the internal effective export control compliance programs. The guidance is subject to public consultation with all interested stakeholders. In order to take part in the consultation, it is necessary to submit a contribution via the on-line survey.… Continue Reading
In July, following decisions of the Sanctions Committee of the United Nations Security Council, the European Commission lifted the freeze of funds and economic resources sanctions imposed on certain Iraqi entities, including some state owned enterprises (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/979, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1025 and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1066).… Continue Reading
On 6 December 2017, the Venezuela (European Union Financial Sanctions) Regulations 2017 entered into force in the UK. This regulation implements Council Regulation (EU) 2017/2063 of 13 November 2017 and provides for the imposition of restrictive measures on persons or entities considered to be involved in undermining democratic principles and the rule of law, as … Continue Reading
On 31 January 2018, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy announced that Montenegro, Albania, Norway and Ukraine had aligned themselves with EU Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/2426. They have, therefore, extended a part of the sanctions imposed on Russia in relation to its violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity … Continue Reading
On 22 January 2018, the Council made public for the first time the directives given to the European Commission to negotiate a Modernised EU-Chile Association Agreement. Quite interestingly, the Commission should address specific issues such as the promotion and liberalisation of investments, the protection of intellectual property rights, the elimination of non-tariff barriers, the cooperation … Continue Reading
On 5 July 2016, the European Commission presented a proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive (EU) 2015/849, which is intended to prevent the financial system from being used for money laundering or terrorist financing. Following negotiations between the Council and the European Parliament, a provisional agreement was … Continue Reading
Presented by the European Commission on 28 September 2016, the dual-use items Regulation Proposal aims at reviewing the export control regime of dual-use items. The proposal contains amendments to key export control notions, for example, the amending of the definition of “dual-use” to include cyber-surveillance technologies. It also clarifies controls on intangible technology transfer (ITT) … Continue Reading
The EU extended asset-freezes against persons provided in Council Decision 2011/72/CFSP and in Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 101/2011 who are considered to be responsible for the misappropriation of Tunisian State funds. On 29 January 2018, the sanctions were extended until 31 January 2019 (See Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/141 and Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/137).… Continue Reading
On 11 December 2017, the Council extended its current sanctions regime against the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) until 12 December 2018. These sanctions were adopted in response to the obstruction of the electoral process and the related human rights violations in DRC (See Council (CFSP) Decision 2017/2282). EU Candidate Countries Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania, … Continue Reading
On 11 January 2018, the EU amended its list under Council Regulation No 881/2002 imposing certain specific restrictive measures directed against persons and entities associated with the ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida organisations (See Commission Implementing Regulation No 2018/50).… Continue Reading
On 22 January 2018, the EU froze the assets of seven Venezuelan officials, notably including the Minister for Interior, the head of the Intelligence Service, the head of the National Electoral Council and the President of the Supreme Court of Justice. These individuals are considered by the EU to be “involved in the non-respect of … Continue Reading
On 8 January 2018, the EU aligned its North Korea sanctions list with part of UN Security Council Resolution 2397 adopted on 22 December 2017. Sixteen persons and one entity, the Ministry of the People‘s Armed Forces, have been added to the list of those subject to an asset freeze and travel restrictions (See Council … Continue Reading
On 21 December 2017, the Council of the European Union prolonged sanctions targeting sectors of the Russian economy until 31 July 2018 (See Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/2426). The restrictive measures include limited access to EU primary and secondary capital markets for certain Russian banks and companies, an export and import ban on trade in arms, … Continue Reading
On 10 January 2018, the European Commission published important notice warning of the consequences that Brexit will have in the field of industrial products[1], which are subject to CE Marking requirements when placed on the European Union (EU) market. For those products, the European Commission confirmed that, to demonstrate compliance with CE Marking requirements for … Continue Reading
On 16 December, the European Commission’s updates to the EU dual-use export control list entered into force. On 26 September 2017, the commission adopted the annual Delegated Regulation (2017/2268), which was published in the Official Journal on 15 December, updating the EU dual-use export control list in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 428/2009. The … Continue Reading
On 7 November, the UK Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation issued a Financial Sanctions Notice confirming that, as of that date, no individuals or entities had been included in Annex I of the EU Regulation. This remains the case at the date of this post. By way of background, on 17 October 2017, the UK … Continue Reading
The UK Export Control Organisation (ECO) amended nine open general export licences (OGELs) in response to amendments to the EU dual-use export control list in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 428/2009.… Continue Reading
In November, the UK passed the Venezuela (European Union Financial Sanctions) Regulations 2017. The regulations follow the EU’s recent sanctions on Venezuela as part of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/2063. They cover offences, penalties and other provisions, such as reporting obligations. On 15 November, the UK Department for International Trade published a notice to exporters (Notice … Continue Reading
On 30 November, the EU amended its Russia prohibitions to allow “[t]he provision, directly or indirectly, of technical assistance, financing or financial assistance” related to the sale, supply, transfer or export and the import, purchase or transport of hydrazine in concentrations of 70% or more, provided that it is for named purposes concerning the ExoMars … Continue Reading
On 23 November, the EU Trade Committee voted to extend EU export controls to include cyber-surveillance technologies (i.e. ones that could be used not only for civilian purposes, but also in violation of human rights). The new rules would essentially modernise the existing dual-use regulation (428/2009) to encompass cyber-surveillance items that might be used as … Continue Reading
On 13 November, the Foreign Affairs Council of the EU adopted conclusions on Venezuela, including the imposition of an arms embargo. On the back of a UN report that described a “worsening human rights situation … within a wider severe economic and social crisis in the country and an increasingly unstable and polarized national political … Continue Reading
On 7 November 2017, the UK Government published the Trade Bill, having introduced it to Parliament for its First Reading. Together with the Customs Bill, it is designed to give the UK the powers necessary to bring existing EU trade agreements into UK statute so that when the UK officially withdraws from the EU, businesses … Continue Reading