On 20 April 2021, the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), the German Bundeskartellamt (BKartA) and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) issued a joint statement¹ and held a joint online event pushing for more rigorous merger control enforcement. Our global competition team in these jurisdictions unpacks the joint statement and provides the following … Continue Reading
Amidst the new coronavirus outbreak, it has become apparent globally that prices at some retailers and online platforms for coronavirus-related products – such as hand sanitiser gel and respiratory masks – have increased sharply.… Continue Reading
The European Union (EU) State aid rules have received much attention recently in the context of the tax probes into Apple, Google and other multinationals. They are as old as the European Union but typically stand in the shadow of the other competition rules that apply directly to companies. Nonetheless, and leaving aside the major … Continue Reading