Tag Archives: market economy

U.S. Antidumping Law On Vietnam

U.S. antidumping (AD) law imposes AD import duties on imports found to be sold at unfairly low prices (such as below cost plus reasonable profit or fair normal value), that injure a U.S. industry.  Many, and increasingly so, Vietnam exports to the United States are subject to such U.S. AD.… Continue Reading

Vietnam Seeks Market Economy Status For Antidumping

On September 8, 2023, the Government of Vietnam requested that the United States treat Vietnam as a Market Economy (ME) for antidumping (AD) law purposes versus the current Non-Market Economy (NME) status (attached). ME status generally means lower and more manageable/predictable (AD) dumping margins, so it is preferred for AD purposes.  Western press (e.g., Financial … Continue Reading

Trade Talk: Week in Review (5-11 December 2016)

Both chambers of the U.S. Congress recessed last week after passing a Continuing Resolution to fund the U.S. Government until April.  The 114th Congress stands adjourned for the year.  The 115th Congress will convene on Tuesday, 3 January 2017. China – Trump’s Call with Taiwan.  In an interview that aired on Sunday, President-Elect Donald Trump … Continue Reading