Status: Upcoming/New Filing

Acquirer: BAE Systems, Inc.; BAE Systems, plc (U.K.)

Acquired: Aerospace business of Ball Corporation (U.S.)

Value: $5.6 billion

Industry Tags: Aerospace; Defense

“On August 16, 2023, Ball Corporation (‘Ball’) entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement (the “Agreement”) with BAE Systems, Inc., a Delaware corporation (‘Purchaser’) . . . pursuant to which, among other things, Purchaser will acquire Ball’s aerospace business segment . . . [for] an aggregate purchase price of $5,555,000,000 in cash, subject to specified adjustments as set forth in the Agreement.” (Ball Corp. Form 8-K, Aug. 22, 2023, SEC Filing.)  “The closing of the Transaction is subject to certain customary closing conditions, including . . . the receipt of the applicable regulatory approvals and clearances from the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency and the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States . . .” (Id.)

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