Tag Archives: bilateral

U.S. and Latin America Trade: Who could be affected by a shift in U.S. Trade Policies?

Since taking office on January 20, 2017, President Trump’s actions on several trade-related matters – from officially withdrawing the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), to signaling the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), to suggesting reconsideration of existing bilateral trade agreements – will have a ripple effect seen and felt around the … Continue Reading

Trade Talk – Week in Review (16-20 May 2016)

TPP – ITC Report Released.  Late Wednesday afternoon, the ITC released its report on the effects of the proposed TPP on the U.S. economy.  The nearly 800-page report examines specific industry sectors in the United States and seeks to ascertain which would benefit or suffer from the deal.  U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman immediately issued … Continue Reading

Trade Talk – Week in Review (2-6 May 2016)

TPP Developments – Prospects for Congressional Action Dim.  The hostile political environment toward trade continues to dim the prospects that Congress would likely move this year on a bill to implement the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).  Both leading presidential candidates – Mr. Trump and Secretary Clinton – have stated their opposition to the TPP deal.  Secretary … Continue Reading

Trade Talk – Week in Review (21-25 March 2016)

Early last week, President Barack Obama visited Cuba, the first U.S. executive to do so in 90 years, before concluding his trip abroad in Argentina.  The President’s historic stop was overshadowed by the terrorist attack in Brussels.  This week, President Obama will host the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, on the margins of which he … Continue Reading