The EU Commission has updated the Combined Nomenclature (CN) and Dual-Use (DU) Correlation table. The revision contains changes to the EU Dual-Use export control list, which came into force in November 2016 in line with the decision taken within the framework of the international non-proliferation regimes and export control arrangements back in 2015. The update … Continue Reading
In its annual report to the European Parliament on the EU’s export control regime for dual-use goods, the EU Commission states that dual-use goods are estimated to represent 20% of all EU total exports, and that a large amount of dual-use exports outside of the EU are to E001 countries benefiting from general export authorizations and in particular the US. … Continue Reading
The European Union (EU) State aid rules have received much attention recently in the context of the tax probes into Apple, Google and other multinationals. They are as old as the European Union but typically stand in the shadow of the other competition rules that apply directly to companies. Nonetheless, and leaving aside the major … Continue Reading
On 24 May 2016, The EU Commission published additional Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) documents in an effort to stay transparent as the negotiations continue. The newly released documents contain a proposal on regulatory cooperation in pharmaceuticals, which was submitted to the US during the last round of the talks. Per the Commission’s news … Continue Reading