Tag Archives: European Court of Justice

European Court of Justice Judgment on Damages for Unlawful European Union Sanctions Listing

On 30 May, the European Court of Justice handed down its judgment in an appeal brought by Safa Nicu Sepahan Co., an Iranian company whose main field of activities includes distribution and transmission of power projects. The company successfully applied in November 2014, in its application before the General Court, to have its name removed … Continue Reading

European Court of Justice (ECJ) Clarifies Sanctions in Response to the Crisis in Ukraine Against Certain Russia Undertakings

In February 2015, the UK Divisional Court referred questions to the ECJ for a preliminary ruling in the course of Rosneft’s judicial review proceedings challenging UK legislation that gives effect to EU sanctions against Russia. The questions referred concerned the interpretation and validity of Council Decision 2014/512/CFSP and Council Regulation (EU) 833/2014. In response to … Continue Reading

EU Removes Entities From Iran Sanctions Lists

The EU has reviewed its nuclear sanctions targeting Iran, as well as judgments of the General Court and the European Court of Justice, annulling listings on those measures and has confirmed that various entities do not appear anymore on the EU’s sanctions lists, they include Moallem Insurance Company, Petropars Operation & Management Company, Petropars Resources … Continue Reading