MTB Developments – House Acts on the Reform Bill; Senate Fails to Act. The House passed its MTB reform bill on 27 April. The Senate attempted to “hotline” the House-passed MTB reform bill on Thursday, a procedure used to test whether there are any objections to passing a bill under unanimous consent. However, the Senate … Continue Reading
The House Ways and Means Committee marked up a bill (H.R. 4923) last Wednesday that would reform the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB) process. The full House will consider the measure this Wednesday under suspension of the rules, which is reserved for non-controversial bills. The House will also consider the Senate-passed version of the Defend Trade … Continue Reading
We will present on a panel focusing on CCL classification at ACI’s EAR Boot Camp. The conference is ideal for novice and advanced practitioners to gain practical understanding of changes deriving from the initial phase of the Export Control Reform and obligations for all exporting parties under the EAR. Visit the ACI website for additional … Continue Reading