Status: Clearance
Acquirer: Eugene Technology Co., Ltd. (South Korea)
Acquired: ALD and CVD memory product line of Aixtron SE (Germany)
Value: US$45-$55 million
Industry: Semiconductors
On October 23, 2017, Aixtron SE, a German based global provider of equipment to the semiconductor industry, received CFIUS approval for the sale of its “ALD/CVD Memory Product Line,” run at its U.S. subsidiary Aixtron, Inc., based in Sunnyvale, California, to Eugene Technology Co., Ltd., a South Korean semiconductor equipment manufacture including ALD (atomic layer deposition) and CVD (chemical vapor deposition) systems. (Aixtron Press Release, Order Intake Guidance raised for 2017, Oct. 26, 2017.) Aixtron stated that its US subsidiary “will continue to provide sales and support for its continued businesses, as well as to pursue its thin film encapsulation (TFE) activities.” (Aixtron Press Release, AIXTRON SE to sell its ALD/CVD Memory Product line, May 25, 2017.) The complete sale of Aixtron SE and all its subsidiaries was recently abandoned because President Obama blocked the acquisition of Aixtron Inc. upon a recommendation from CFIUS. (See our prior blog post.)