UPDATE: The Tariff Book was updated on May 10, 2019 to reflect an updated action on Section 301 by the Trump Administration that increased tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese products (List 3).
How To Use The Tariff Book
Because there is so much information included in this Tariff Book, we have made the document fully searchable. The information provided in this book comes from number of different sources, some of which are official foreign government documents written in languages other than English. While we were able to provide unofficial translations of these documents, users should rely on the source material linked at the bottom of each page.
To search by country – Click on one of the country links at the top of the page. These links are repeated on every page, so you can easily switch from one country to another.
To search by product or keyword – Right click anywhere on the document and select Search. You can then type in your keyword and every instance will be highlighted.
Updates – This document is correct as of July 13, 2018. However, because this is a fast moving situation, we plan on regular updates. We will alert you through this blog of any changes and updates. So, be sure to subscribe to this blog by email here.
Contact our International Trade Team if your product is listed. We have identified and are deeply engaged in the processes available to comment on and challenge these tariffs in the US and certain foreign markets.