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EU Publishes Regulation Banning Products Made With Forced Labour

On 12 December 2024, the Forced Labour Regulation (FLR) was published prohibiting products made with forced labour on the EU market. This is the definitive and legally binding version of the FLR.  As detailed in an earlier client insight, the prohibition on products made with forced labour, as set out in the FLR, and the resulting obligations and associated checks and enforcement, will only enter … Continue Reading

PVH Facing the Risk of Being Placed on China’s Unreliable Entities List

On September 24, 2024, China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) announced that the Working Mechanism of the Unreliable Entities List (the “Working Mechanism”) had initiated an investigation of the PVH Group, a global clothing company and owner of brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Warner’s, Olga and True & Co. The action was taken pursuant … Continue Reading

New US Trade Action Against Disposable Aluminum Containers, Pans, and Trays from China

On May 16, 2024, U.S. producers filed antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) petitions against imports of disposable aluminum containers, pans, and trays from China claimed to be (a) dumped – i.e., sold into the United States at less than fair/normal value prices and (b) government subsidized. The petition alleges dumping import duty margins of … Continue Reading

US ITC Launches Global Rice Trade Investigation

On March 1, 2024, the US International Trade Commission (ITC) officially announced the initiation of a new factfinding investigation into the global rice market. The investigation, titled “Rice: Global Competitiveness and Impacts on Trade and the U.S. Industry” (Investigation No. 332-603), was requested by US House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means Chair Jason … Continue Reading

Forced Labor Legal Developments in Europe: EU Council and Parliament Negotiate Final Text for Proposed Regulation

While many have focused in recent months on the US enforcement of the forced labor import ban (19 U.S.C. 1307) and the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) (Public Law No. 117-78), the EU is working on its own set of regulations prohibiting products made with forced labor from entering the EU market. A proposal … Continue Reading

US ITC to Investigate Global Rice Trade

In a February 5, 2024 letter to the US International Trade Commission (ITC), US House of Representatives Ways & Means Committee Chair Jason Smith (Republican-Missouri) requested that the ITC conduct a Section 332 investigation into the global rice market. The ITC will institute the investigation in the coming weeks, and it could be the first … Continue Reading

It’s August in an Election Year – No Rest for the Trump Administration on Trade Actions

Despite the Congressional recess and continued focus on COVID-19 economic relief, Trump officials announced several major trade actions over the last week that could impact global trade and supply chains.  Here is a quick round-up of recent developments and what may be coming next.… Continue Reading

Imports From Hong Kong May Soon Face Section 301 Tariffs

On Tuesday, August 11, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) is scheduled to publish a notice in the Federal Register that could end the ability of manufacturers based in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“Hong Kong”) of the People’s Republic of China (“China”) to avoid the tariffs imposed on Chinese products by the Trump … Continue Reading

UK Government Releases Custom Duty Rates in the Event of Hard Brexit

The UK government has published the proposed customs duty rates that will apply to imported merchandise entering the UK from third countries after the country has left the European Union (EU) under a so-called no-deal scenario. Unless recent political developments require the UK government to extend that deadline, it has been indicated that the UK … Continue Reading

How Do You, Your Suppliers and Customers Fare as Trade Tensions Escalate?

UPDATE: The Tariff Book was updated on May 10, 2019 to reflect an updated action on Section 301 by the Trump Administration that increased tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese products (List 3). How To Use The Tariff Book Because there is so much information included in this Tariff Book, we have made the document fully searchable. … Continue Reading

Event Alert: Commercial and Legal Implications of a Brexit – A 360° Analysis – Warsaw, Poland – 9 June 2016

Our partners Dr. Jens Rinze (Frankfurt) will give a practical insight into the issues that financial institutions, corporations and other businesses would face if the UK votes for Brexit. This complimentary seminar will take place on 9 June from 4-6 pm in the Squire Patton Boggs Warsaw offices. Topics will include: How would a Brexit work from the legal … Continue Reading

OFAC Designates Nine Individuals and 68 Entities Associated With the Waked Money Laundering Cartel Under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act

On 5 May 2016, the US Treasury Department’s OFAC announced designations of leaders and associates of the so-called Waked Money Laundering Organization, and 68 entities believed to be part of that organization, as specially designated narcotics traffickers under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act. OFAC, in cooperation with US Customs and Border Protection, other US agencies and the Panamanian Government, … Continue Reading

Trade Talk – Week in Review (8-12 February 2016)

North Korea Sanctions Bill Passes – Sent to President’s Desk.  By a vote of 408-2, the House passed new North Korea sanctions legislation (H.R. 757) on Friday following the Senate’s unanimous approval Wednesday, sending the measure to President Obama’s desk for signature into law.  Once enacted, the bill would compel the U.S. Department of the … Continue Reading

Trade Talk – Week in Review (1-5 February 2016)

TPP – Agreement Signed; Warnings of a Slow Congressional Process.  After the Thursday signing ceremony in Auckland, New Zealand, Ambassador Froman said the United States is developing a “full implementation plan” to make sure developing countries, such as Vietnam, uphold their obligations. At a Tuesday meeting with President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) … Continue Reading

Trade Talk – Week in Review (18-22 January 2016)

The Senate was in session last week, while the House of Representatives (“the House”) remained in recess in observance of the Martin Luther King holiday.  Implementation Day of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran took effect, as did a prisoner swap last week.  Washington’s attention then quickly shifted to an impending historic … Continue Reading

Trade Talk – Week in Review (11-15 January 2016)

President Barack Obama addressed a joint session of Congress on Tuesday, delivering his final State of the Union (SOTU) address.  Although trade is generally not a central theme during a congressional and presidential election year, the President did mention the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal near the end of the speech as one example of American … Continue Reading

Getting Customs Valuation Right – Upcoming Workshop Opportunity

Trade Practitioner will co-lead a practical interactive workshop on How to Meet Increasingly Complex Valuation Challenges on January 20, 2016, preceding American Conference Institute’s 10th Advanced Forum on Import Compliance & Enforcement. Chris’ session aims to make sense of and provide guidance on a range of Customs valuation issues that import compliance professionals encounter on a daily basis. For … Continue Reading

Importers Must Assess GSP Eligibility or Lose Potential Refunds

The renewal of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program became effective on 29 July 2015. The GSP renewal has retroactive effect for the period during which it lapsed (1 August 2013 through 28 July 2015), and US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recently provided notice that it will begin processing refunds on duties paid … Continue Reading