Tag Archives: Canada

CFIUS Clearance: Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP and FirstEnergy Transmission, LLC

Status:               Clearance Acquirer:                         Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP (Canada) Acquired:                        FirstEnergy Transmission, LLC (U.S.) Value:                              $2.375 billion Industry Tags:             Energy; Regulated Utilities… Continue Reading

Upcoming/New CFIUS Filing: Viterra Limited; Glencore PLC; Canada Pension Plan Investment Board; British Columbia Investment Management Corporation; and Bunge Limited

Status: Upcoming/ New Filing Acquirer: Viterra Limited (The Netherlands); Glencore PLC (Sweden); Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (Canada); British Columbia Investment Management Corporation (Canada) Acquired: Bunge Limited (U.S.) Value: $8.2 billion Industry Tags:  Agriculture; Agribusiness… Continue Reading

CFIUS Determination Regarding “Excepted Foreign State”

On February 13, 2022, the Office of Investment Security of the U.S. Department of Treasury, which administers the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), published a final determination finding that (1) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelands and (2) New Zealand have the met the criteria for remaining an … Continue Reading

Trade Alert: New Antidumping (AD) and Countervailing Duty (CVD) Petitions on Certain Tin Mill Products from Canada, China, Germany, Netherlands, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey and the United Kingdom

On January 18, 2023, Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. and the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union, filed a petition to impose (a) antidumping (AD) duties on imports of Certain Tin Mill Products from Canada, China, Germany, Netherlands, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey and the United Kingdom; and, (b) countervailing … Continue Reading

BIS Amends Export Administration Regulations with Respect to Russia and Belarus

On Tuesday, April 12, 2022, the US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) published in the Federal Register a Final Rule amending the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) (15 CFR parts 730-774) to add four additional countries to the list of countries excluded from certain license requirements (Supp. No. 3 to part 746) … Continue Reading

CFIUS Clearance: Canadian Pacific Railway Limited and Kansas City Southern

Status: Clearance Acquirer:  Canadian Pacific Railway Limited (Canada) Acquired:  Kansas City Southern (US) Value:  US$29 billion Industries:  Transportation; Infrastructure; Railway Update:  On August 16, 2022, Canadian Pacific Railway Limited (TSX: CP; NYSE: CP) announced that “it has received the required regulatory clearance from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (“CFIUS”) for the … Continue Reading

CFIUS Clearance: Empower Retirement, Great-West Lifeco, Power Corp. of Canada and Personal Capital Corporation

Status:  Clearance Acquirer:  Empower Retirement, LLC (US); Great-West Lifeco Inc. (Canada); Power Corporation of Canada (Canada) Acquired:  Personal Capital Corporation (US) Value:  US$825 million Industry:  Financial Services UPDATE: On August 17, 2020, Great-West Lifeco Inc. “completed the acquisition of 100% of the equity of Personal Capital Corporation.” (Great West Lifeco Inc., 2021 Annual Report, Mar. … Continue Reading

It’s August in an Election Year – No Rest for the Trump Administration on Trade Actions

Despite the Congressional recess and continued focus on COVID-19 economic relief, Trump officials announced several major trade actions over the last week that could impact global trade and supply chains.  Here is a quick round-up of recent developments and what may be coming next.… Continue Reading