Tag Archives: Chinese military

China’s Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law

On June 10, 2021, the People’s Republic of China adopted the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law (the “Law”). The main purpose of the Law is to provide a legal basis for China to adopt retaliatory measures against any so-called “discriminatorily restrictive measures” that may be imposed by foreign countries against Chinese organizations and citizens (the “Foreign Sanctions”).… Continue Reading

Biden New EO on Chinese Military Companies Creates New Substantive Test for Listing

On June 3, 2021, US President Joseph Biden issued Executive Order 14032, “Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments that Finance Certain Companies of the People’s Republic of China” (EO 14032), substantially amending the prohibitions originally contained in Executive Order 13959 (EO 13959), issued by President Trump on November 12, 2020 (amended January 13, 2021).… Continue Reading

Trump Flexes Executive Muscle to Address Chinese Military Threat

On November 12, 2020, the President signed an Executive Order (EO) on “Addressing the Threat from Securities Investments that Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies.”  The EO generally prohibits any transaction in publicly traded securities, or any securities that are derivative of, or are designed to provide investment exposure to such securities, of any Chinese military … Continue Reading