Status Tags: Clearance; Mitigation; Withdraw and Refiled (2d Time); Interim Order; Withdrawn and Refiled Acquirer: Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited (Hong Kong SAR, China) Acquired: F-Star Therapeutics, Inc. (United Kingdom; U.S.) Value: $161 million Industry Tags: Pharmaceutical; Biotechnology; Healthcare… Continue Reading
On 20 April 2021, the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), the German Bundeskartellamt (BKartA) and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) issued a joint statement¹ and held a joint online event pushing for more rigorous merger control enforcement. Our global competition team in these jurisdictions unpacks the joint statement and provides the following … Continue Reading
Despite the Congressional recess and continued focus on COVID-19 economic relief, Trump officials announced several major trade actions over the last week that could impact global trade and supply chains. Here is a quick round-up of recent developments and what may be coming next.… Continue Reading
As world leaders and healthcare professionals respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses around the world have been forced to adapt to new restrictions, unpredictable supply chains and a limited workforce. For medical and pharmaceutical products, demand is high and the efficient movement of inputs is critical. For many other industries, dwindling consumer demand is already … Continue Reading
This post is being published for The Trade Practitioner as part of a content partnership with our International Policy Practice. Please contact Matthew Kirk with any questions. We are being asked with increasing frequency by companies whether, in the context of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) lockdowns, their business counts as an “essential service”. This … Continue Reading
Status: No Action Acquirer: Novartis AG (Switzerland) Acquired: Endocyte, Inc. (U.S.) Value: $2.1 billion Industry Tags: Health Care; Pharmaceutical; Biotechnology… Continue Reading
North Korea – New U.S. Sanctions Announced. On Wednesday, the Obama Administration announced sanctions designations targeting senior North Korean officials, including Kim Jong Un. The U.S. Department of State issued a report identifying individuals and entities responsible or associated with serious human rights abuses or censorship in North Korea. In tandem, the U.S. Department of … Continue Reading
On 24 May 2016, The EU Commission published additional Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) documents in an effort to stay transparent as the negotiations continue. The newly released documents contain a proposal on regulatory cooperation in pharmaceuticals, which was submitted to the US during the last round of the talks. Per the Commission’s news … Continue Reading
TPP – ITC Report Released. Late Wednesday afternoon, the ITC released its report on the effects of the proposed TPP on the U.S. economy. The nearly 800-page report examines specific industry sectors in the United States and seeks to ascertain which would benefit or suffer from the deal. U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman immediately issued … Continue Reading